It is no secret engaged leaders are more able to motivate the team, guide the culture and drive the overall strategy of the organization.
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It is no secret engaged leaders are more able to motivate the team, guide the culture and drive the overall strategy of the organization.
Comments closedIt’s the time of the year where you start to see lists highlighting the best of 2018. This is my contribution of some of the best leadership books I read this year.
Comments closed“Customer service shouldn’t be a department, it should be the entire company”- Tony Hseih, CEO Zappo’s.
Comments closedThink about all the things you hold onto that weigh you down during the course of the day.
Comments closed“Don’t just do something, stand there”- Seth Godin
Comments closed“I can’t do it” or “We can’t do it” are often the four most frustrating words a leaders brain will ever process. Lately, it seems that this phrase has hit almost epidemic proportions.
Comments closedThomas Paine is often credited with the phrase, “Lead, Follow or get out of the way”.
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