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Don’t Let the Haters Win.

“The brighter your shine the more darkness and shadows you attract”

Robin Sharma

Have you ever noticed the more good things that happen to you, the more the critics tend to appear?  It seems like a direct correlation between the amount of success in your life and the number of haters in your way.


Robin Sharma states that successful people reflect possibility.  This can have two effects.  It can inspire others to achieve more or often it causes jealousy.  Instead of someone looking at your achievement and saying look what I could do, they often say look what I didn’t do.

Conversely, how often have you dealt with the conflicting emotions of seeing someone close to you realize success.

Are you genuinely happy? 

Haters love the shadows

In the dark shadows your critics will wait.  Once the light of your success grows they will emerge, trying to cast whatever shadow they can on your achievement.

She didn’t really deserve it?

I should have had that?

I can’t believe he actually got that job?

This of course is cowardly.  Throwing punches from the shadows. The problem with haters that live in the shadows is they are hard to identify. Only the bright light of your success will bring them out. Once they are out they will try hard to diminish you.

Most troubling is often these are the same people you consider friends.  To your face they congratulate you, behind your back they cut you off at your knees.

Their sole purpose is to discourage you and steal your joy.  The time you spend acknowledging them, is time you are taking away from your supporters and current success.

Let your light shine bright, push them back in the shadows.

Friends are with you in the light and darkness

Just like you can identity your true friends when things are going bad.  Success or good fortune can have an equally clarifying effect as well.  Friends will rejoice with you in success and console you in failure. 

They are not along for the ride to get perverse joy of seeing you fail.  The brighter you shine they are right beside you reflecting that light back on you, not trying to suck the light away

Three Ways to Diminish the Impact of Your Critics

Ignore Them

I know this is a lot easier said than done, but it is essential.  If you acknowledge them it just fuels their fire.  In an age of social media where critics can take cheap shots behind the safety of a screen it makes ignoring critics even harder.

Don’t take the bait.

The fact they are speaking out against you should tell you all you need to know.  They are threatened by your success.  Like a parasite, the more they take away from your success the stronger they feel.

Shine Brighter

Use the haters as fuel to do more good work.  Don’t let them dissuade you from moving forward.

You have success they don’t. 

They are spending their time trying to discount you, while you are spending your time building yourself up.  I think we all know who wins this game.

Stooping to their level to engage them only takes away from your forward progress.  The brighter you shine, the harder it is for the shadows to win.

Use the haters as fuel.

Engage your Supporters.

Remember that despite a few critics, you likely have a whole crew of people in your corner.  Families, friends, colleagues that are truly proud and happy for you.  These are the people to lean on when the critics are out in full force. 

Surround yourself with reflectors of light not black holes of negativity.

Don’t let the haters win.

Remember at the end of the day you are only responsible for yourself. You can only control your reaction to the criticism and not the critic.

Insecurity is a miserable thing and realize that people who feel the need to diminish your light must be pretty miserable. 

Keep doing your good work and don’t be surprised if you pick up more critics along the way.  This just means your light is shining brighter attracting more shadows.

Don’t let the haters win, you are too important.

Identify some critics in your life you need to start ignoring.

For more on dealing with critics check out: It’s Okay to Not Be Liked

Published inLife


  1. Gayle Jones Gayle Jones

    In this crazy world where the end days are being played out regarding rights will be ignored and wrongs will be accepted, we need encouraging words as you shared here, Dear Robbie. Thank you for sharing your heart and your gift of words with us. Much needed! 🤗

  2. Todd Sprouse Todd Sprouse

    Very good Robbie. I’ve never seen your blog before. God bless you.

  3. Martha Martha

    What great advice. We see this all to often! Choose a job (or boss) that supports you and lifts you up-Bullying and horizontal violence should never be tolerated.- and those “shadow” players are cowards.
    The great news is, there is always a new job where you can be valued! Have enough faith in yourself to make the move!

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