New articles on the way….be sure to subscribe to get an email notification when they are available. Thanks, Robbie
Comments closedInsights into life & leadership
New articles on the way….be sure to subscribe to get an email notification when they are available. Thanks, Robbie
Comments closedIs there someone who has done you wrong in the past?
You keep replaying that situation over in your head, dredging up the same feelings you had during the time it actually happened, even if that was years ago.
Have the biggest changes/advances in your life/career come from times where things were going great or have they emerged from some of your biggest challenges?
2 Comments“ People want character, but follow clarity”- Andy Stanley I heard this quote on a recent Andy Stanley Leadership podcast. We all want a leader…
Comments closedSocial media has driven everyone to be focused on the number of followers we have or “likes” a particular photo or post gets. Ever wonder why there is no “dislike” button on Facebook?
1 CommentIt is no secret engaged leaders are more able to motivate the team, guide the culture and drive the overall strategy of the organization.
Comments closedIt’s the time of the year where you start to see lists highlighting the best of 2018. This is my contribution of some of the best leadership books I read this year.
Comments closed“Customer service shouldn’t be a department, it should be the entire company”- Tony Hseih, CEO Zappo’s.
Comments closedThink about all the things you hold onto that weigh you down during the course of the day.
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