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The Way Forward.

“The impediment to action advances action, what stands in the way becomes the way”- Marcus Aurelius

When have the periods of the most growth occurred in your life? From times where things were going great or times when stuff was really hitting the fan?

Looking back you will likely see that your biggest periods of growth came out of some really difficult times.

If life is going smoothly we often are not learning.

By nature we are programmed to avoid challenges.  Taking the path of least resistance seems to be optimal in the moment, but the long-term value lies in embracing difficulty.

Impediment to action, advances action

This sounds counter intuitive.  How could something by definition impede action but in turn advance it?

Whatever challenge you are facing in your life or career often it is rooted in blocking the direction you want to go. Such as a better job situation, better relationships or better health.

When we are faced with any problem we typically have three choices, turn back, look for a way around the problem or move forward.

To be successful you have to view your barriers as opportunities to move forward.   Advancing through the barrier is where the growth happens.

Becoming the way.

“…what stands in the way becomes the way.”

How encouraging is that thought? No matter what challenge you are facing, it will become the way.  You need to use the negative energy and turn it into a way forward

Jiu-Jitsu is the form of martial arts where you use the attackers momentum against them.  Same principle here, you need to do some mental Jiu-Jitsu and use the force of  whatever is standing in your way against it.

 This requires a change in your mindset; re-frame your perceptions appropriately.  Look at your problems as opportunities. Once you make this mental switch, you will learn to raise your hand for more complex assignments, tackle that tough conversation, handle that toxic relationship or face down that health condition.

Think about a particular challenge you are facing now.  How can you re-frame this to your advantage?

“The impediment to action advances action…”

A great book to further explore this topic is  The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.  I would highly recommend this. 

Published inLife


  1. Andrea Lockhart Andrea Lockhart

    Great article. I teach middle school math, and we try to teach students about having a “growth mindset.” Having a growth mindset is the belief that you are in control of your own ability, and can learn and improve. It is is the key to your academic (and other types of) success. Having a growth mindset (the belief that you are in control of your own ability, and can learn and improve) is the key to success. Hard work, effort, and persistence are all important, but more important is having that underlying belief that you can be in control of your own learning.

    We often have to keep pushing through our challenges to best learn. Making mistakes is ok and expected, but you keep going. Perseverance through what is difficult.

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