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A Little Grace….Please

“Little by little we human beings are being confronted with situations that give us more & more clues we are not perfect.”

Fred Rogers (i.e. Mr. Rogers)

We are in uncharted territory. 

Things we took for granted (like toilet paper) are suddenly scarce.  People are giving me mean looks for coming within six feet of them (including my wife).  Information is coming fast and changing almost as soon as we hear it.  Being nimble is not a suggestion, but a requirement.

Even back in the good old days when toilet paper was plentiful and surgical mask were not part of our everyday wardrobe it was hard to stay on top of things.

I work in the emergency department.  So, my team is literally on the front lines.  Imagine the craziness/uncertainty that the general public is feeling, multiple that by 100 and you can get an idea of what we are dealing with.

Recently, I’ve had some frustrations around things not going like “I” think they should. Venting these frustrations to a friend she wisely said, “I hear you, but we all need show a little grace.  This is new for everyone.”

Rightfully shamed, that comment hit home

We all do need to show a little grace right now.  This is new for everyone.

To Screw Up is Human…

I have been impressed by our local health care systems proactive response to the unknown.  People are working hard 24/7 to ensure our patients and caregivers remain safe. All of this is happening in a space not too many of have been before.

And guess what?  We are all still human. Even in the best of times we are not going to get it right all of the time. Now let’s complicate that by adding a global pandemic to the mix. 

Grace in these times may not be easy, but necessary.  It’s not worth the high cost of damaging long-term relationships because of a short-term situation.

The Quiet Attribute….

We all have been unknowing recipients of grace.  I have screwed up. I want to thank all of those folks who have shown me grace during these times.

I know I have made some bad decisions recently, thanks for not holding that against me. (At least I don’t think you are, if you are just don’t tell me…..)

We are selfish creatures and want the credit when we extend grace to someone. It would feel so good to point our finger and say, “Ha you screwed up and I know it, but I am going to let you off the hook.”

Shining a light on the your own good deeds does nothing but cast a shadow. Grace should remain a quiet attribute of your personality.

Perfection is overrated….

Remember that despite what it may say on social media, we are not perfect individuals.

If you are like me, most of the time you know when you’ve screwed up, you don’t really need someone else pointing it out.

So, in this time of craziness, do yourself a favor and remember to show a little grace.  

Show a little grace to your boss

Show a little grace to your boss’s boss

Show a little grace to your co-workers

Show a little grace to your friends & families

Show a little grace to your enemies (this one is hard!!)

Actually, as we surface from the pandemic, lets continue to show grace.

It’s a healthy response.  It strengthens you, your character and your relationships. You know the stuff that will matter long after we moved on from the current crisis.

Published inLeadershipLife


  1. Anonymous Anonymous

    I am daily given grace I don’t deserve, how can I not show that same grace to others.

  2. Chris McNutt Chris McNutt

    I am daily given grace that I ultimately do not deserve, how can I not express the same grace towards others through the Spirit who lives in me.

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