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Caution: Sharp Turn Ahead

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”

African Proverb

In the early 1990’s “Life is a Highway” by Tom Cochrane became a popular song. Parents may also recognize this song from the popular Pixar movie Cars, where it found a second life.

The vibe of the song is that you are cruising down the highway of life, windows down, the road is straight and the sun setting. 

Life is good.

I don’t think it is fair to compare life to a highway.  A more fitting title would be “Life is a country back road full of blind turns, twists and dead ends”

However, I see from a lyrical standpoint that would be problematic.  It may send young children who are watching the movie Cars into a deep philosophical crisis about the meaning of life.

Watch the Signs

I’m sure we have all had the common experience when driving of seeing the warning sign “Left Lane Closed Ahead”.

Drivers are given plenty of notification the lane is ending, including bright flashing arrows and a chain of orange cones slowing closing out the lane. Inevitably, there is one car who seems to have missed all the signs and tries to merge two cones prior to the lane ending.

We are all frustrated with those folks and honestly, we have all been that person at one time or the other.

In life how often do we miss the signs? 

Sometimes they are subtle, other times they are bright flashing arrows letting us know that we need change lanes or there will be a disaster.

If we get into the feel good “life is a highway” mentality we often can be driving straight to our own demise.  With windows down, the music blaring it can feel pretty good, we become so wrapped up in our own comfort we totally miss the “Danger Ahead” signs.

Take the You out of U-Turn

U-turns are very useful. They allow you to get quickly back in the right direction if you miss your exit or shave off some precious moments when trying to get somewhere. There is some risk with a U-turn, because for a brief second you are exposed to on-coming traffic. 

Life has U-turns as well, however unlike driving we sometimes don’t have a choice.  Overnight our lives are sent in a totally opposite direction than we anticipated.  An unexpected health diagnosis, loss of a job, a relationship falls apart. 

It’s disorienting when your life changes directions suddenly.  It can cause you to question many things, including yourself. 

If you find yourself in a U-turn, step back and take yourself out of it.  I know it’s hard as U-turns are often deeply personal.  Just like a U-turn in traffic a U-turn in life will either get you back on track or to your destination quicker.

The risk?  You are facing oncoming traffic, you have a blind side. 

You will be ok. 

Photo by Jim Wilson on Unsplash

Use Roadside Assistance

Despite your best intentions you sometimes find yourself broken down on the side of the road and not sure quite what to do.  This is where roadside assistance is helpful.

While in life we do not have the option of purchasing roadside assistance, we do have the value of relationships.  Friend and family are even better than AAA if you find yourself broke down on a side road of life.

Often you will find that many folks have gone through very similar situations as yourself.  You will quickly learn that you have not been the only one stranded on the side of life’s road. 

This is why it is so important to maintain good relationships. This is not only for your benefit, but one day you may get the call from someone who needs roadside assistance as well.

Burning bridges never helped anyone.

Be kind. 

Final Destination

One thing is true about both a highway and the back roads.  They will lead you to the same destination.  While the highway will likely get you there much quicker it can often be monotonous. 

The back roads are where the discoveries happen, where you learn and grow.  The back roads are where you stumble across a beautiful scenic outlook that totally changes your perspective and one you would have missed if you had stayed on the highway.

Whether you choose to take the back road or someone makes that choice for you, always embrace the change of scenery, no telling what you will discover.

Published inLife
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