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One Card Short….

Anyone closely associated with healthcare, in particular nursing, is aware of the disparaging comments made by Washington state Senator Maureen Walsh. In essence she stated that nurses don’t really need mandated breaks because they spend most of their time “playing cards” anyway.

I know many nurses and medical professionals are upset with Senator Walsh. I have a little bit of sympathy. Clearly she is, as they say, one card short of a full deck when it comes to her knowledge of nursing. Therefore, I think instead of posting funny memes, we should help her out.

I say any nurse (or friends/family of a nurse) reading this should mail one playing card (preferably a joker) to:

Senator Maureen Walsh

205 Irv Newhouse Building

P.O. Box 40416 Olympia, WA, 98504-0435

On the card write how many years you have been in healthcare and how times you have actually played cards or witnessed nurses playing cards.

Let’s not forget our colleagues with the Washington State Nurses Association . There are around 52 cards in a deck. I would ask everyone to donate $51, $5.10, .51 to the Washington State Nursing Association PAC.

I’m sure they could use the money to help make sure Sen. Walsh does not get re-elected when her term is up.

Donate Here: WSNA-PAC

Sorry to interrupt everyone’s card games.

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