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“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Victor Frankel

For most of us the unraveling started about two months ago.  When life as we knew it suddenly got turned on its head.  Social distancing & quarantine, terms that would have describe my dating life as a teenager, have now become part of our daily vocabulary.

Just like with a stray thread on sweater, one quick tug can quickly impact the stability of the piece of clothing.

During this pandemic many of us watched our lives or lives of those around us unravel.

Health unraveled

Finances unraveled

Jobs unraveled

Security unraveled

Trust unraveled.

It felt like it happened quickly.  In some ways it did.  In other ways the pandemic just expedited the process.

Just like pulling the loose thread on clothing, things unravel fast.

Once the thread is out, is extremely difficult to reverse that damage. 

Fortunately, we are not clothes.

To Simplify

The word unravel has a couple meanings.  The most familiar is to undo or destroy.  However there is another definition, to free from complication or difficulty.

Think about that.

As the thread unravels from the beautiful sweater it really is freeing itself from the complicated design of the sweater and getting back to its original state of a single thread.

As a single thread it served an important function of holding the sweater together.

What about your life? 

Is your life unraveling with the current craziness?

Is it making your life simpler? 

Are there now some difficulties that you don’t have to deal with?

Maybe you really did not like your job.  The unraveling expedited a career change you were not expecting.

You were not taking good care of yourself and the unraveling led to a close call with your health and now it is clear the value of taking care of yourself.

Maybe the unraveling got rid of a lot of unnecessary projects and meetings for work freeing up more time at home with your family.

Embrace the Unravel

This should be a time we embrace the unraveling that is happening around us. 

We should not cut the thread.  We should tug it gently.

We may find that the more things unravel, the more we simplify our lives, the more difficulties we remove and the stronger we feel.

A single, strong and beautiful thread not lost in a sea of other threads.

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Published inLife

One Comment

  1. Tammy Wright Tammy Wright

    WOW! What incredible insight. LOVE the take on unraveling…to free from complication or difficulty! What a MOST positive way to ALWAYS look at unraveling. There CAN be good that results! I KNOW for me personally there HAS been good in THIS current state of unraveling. Thank YOU for once again for the wisdom AND insight! Continuing to pray for you all!

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